God of comfort, God of salvation, we wait for you in this breaking dawn,
In this extended moment where light and dark exist together.
As we mourn for those who are no longer with us, and as we celebrate new life,
As we struggle with burdens and anxieties, and as we anticipate new adventures,
As we suffer pains in our bodies and illness in our minds, and as we enjoy health and wholeness,

As we cry for broken relationships, and as we rejoice in reconciliation
As we weep for those who endure violence and injustice, and as we celebrate liberation,
As we intercede for those without homes or healthcare, and as we fellowship with friends and family,
As we ask forgiveness for our roles in climate change, and as we give thanks for our safety and security,
In this darkness of night, we hope in the rising sun, and we pray,
By your tender mercy that your “dawn from on high will break upon us to give light to those who sit in darkness
and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace;”
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
David Carr is a New Testament scholar who teaches and researches in biblical studies and related fields. His interests are in selfhood, identity, moral agency, and disability in the New Testament and its ancient milieu. He is also interested in how insights into these topics inform contemporary discourse and practice. He earned a B.A. from Georgia College, and M.Div. from Fuller Theological Seminary, a Th.M. from Candler School of Theology, and a Ph.D. from EmoryUniversity.
He recently published his first book, Being and Becoming: Human Transformation in the Letters of Paul with Baylor University Press. He published journal articles in Biblical Interpretation and Catholic Biblical Quarterly, and he has presented several papers at academic conferences. He and his wife Maria have two children—Isaiah (Zay) and Joshua (Jojo)—and the entire family enjoys rooting for Atlanta sports teams from their home in Rochester, NY.